Dr. Carlson earned a Bachelor degree at the University of Nebraska majoring in Broadcasting, Journalism, and Business. She went on to earn an additional Bachelors of Science in Vision Science.
Dr. Jasmine Roth provides comprehensive vision exams, with a special interest in medical eye care. She is passionate about managing chronic ocular conditions, particularly dry eye, cataracts, and diabetic retinopathy.
Seth Carlson
Seth Carlson is a Business Coach at AcquiredSalary.com, with extensive experience in the Pharmaceutical, Medical Device, and Clinical Trials industries.
Opthalmic Technician
Kristina has been an Ophthalmic Technician since 2019 with a certification as a Paraoptometric from the American Optometry Association. She has a passion for continued education and helping people.
Optical Manager
Don is the Optical Manager at Complete Eye Care, overseeing the optical department with a dedication to precision and customer service.